Author: Julie Tod, Women’s 7XI Co-Captain

The start of this season was a turbulent time for the Women’s 7XI with old faces moving on to pastures new and new, excited players joining the Club. With two new captains (Julie Tod & Katie Houldershaw) at the helm and a dedicated coach (Kallum Greenwood), it felt that something special was about to happen.

Four months later, it certainly has.

The 7XI are currently seven games unbeaten, out of the 14 games to date – we have won eight, drawn two, lost two and forfeit two.

The team is going from strength to strength with a positive and can do attitude. The 7XI play for each other offering encouragement, guidance and support on and off the pitch.

We are very excited about the future and now even more so, with addition of a number of 6XI players, who have been very welcomed to the 7XI. They have shown amazing spirit, maturity and commitment to the club, of which they should be proud of themselves for.

We can now only go from strength to strength as a united team of hockey heroes. Paving the way to new and exciting times made possible thanks to each and every member being part of the adventure so far.

More on the Women’s 7XI can be found on their webpage.

Categories: Women's 7XI