Interested in joining Leeds Hockey Club?

  1. Find a training session that you think is suitable for you or your child. If you’re not sure, feel free to contact [email protected] for guidance.
  2. Attend the training session you identified to see if is the right level and if you enjoy the session.
  3. Sign up to our mailing list and give us a like and follow on our social media channels.
  4. If you think you are happy, fill in the application form via the button below.

Our Membership fees:

(Over 16 in full time education)
Training Only£120
Senior Membership Rates
(U14 to U16 playing only Junior Hockey)
(U10 to U12 playing only Junior Hockey)
(Up to School Year 3)
Senior Surcharge
(per junior playing junior and senior hockey)
Junior Membership Rates

* A rebate for those who play hockey through The University of Leeds Partnership will be applied to their Club Account upon confirmation of their Partnership status
Any member who plays/trains for an LHC junior team and an LHC senior team will pay the appropriate junior annual subscription rate and an additional £50 training surcharge.
Any member aged U16 who does not play in an LHC junior team and only plays for an LHC senior team will pay the appropriate senior subscription rate. This is likely to be the student rate.


Membership fees will be applied to a member’s Club Account.

For the 2024/25 season membership can be paid:

  • in a lump sum – full amount to be charged to your club account at the start of the season, deadline to pay is the 31st of October.
  • in 5 monthly instalments – 5 equal amounts to be charged to your Club Account from October to February

New members are automatically set up as a monthly charge unless you request a change to annually by email to your club captain. Please contact Mens : [email protected] or Women’s: [email protected].

You can see what option you are currently set up for by going to the My Financial Activity page on the Club Website (you need to be logged in to see this).

Payment of your Club Account

This year we are offering three ways to pay your club account:

  • by Direct Debit through the Club Website – which can be set up on the My Profile page – You will be notified of the amount to be taken from your account on or after the 1st of the month with the payment being taken a few days later, and your Club Account getting updated a few days after that.
  • by credit or debit card through the Club Website – which can be done via the My Financial Activity page – Please note, you can only pay the full amount listed on your Club Account.

Match Fees

On top of these rates if you play, match fees at the following rates are due upon playing games. These will be charged to your club account following games.

Senior Members – £11
Concessions – £6